Join the FREE 21 Day Evolution of the Resolution Challenge

The holidays are almost over and you know what’s going to happen in January?


Everyone is going to be talking about setting New Year’s Resolutions.


And while I’m all for goals, I’m not a fan of setting New Year’s Resolutions because more often than not, they are forgotten about by February 1st.


But you know what I am a fan of?  I’m a fan of focusing on our daily actions because our daily actions are what actually lead to massive results.


How about instead of setting a goal to lose 10, 20, or 30 pounds, you just decide to commit to prioritizing your health and taking daily action?


Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Results


I realize that focusing on daily activity is TOTALLY unsexy, but has chasing sexy, “quick fix” diets helped you achieve the results you’re really after?  I know it’s cliche but it’s true….slow and steady wins the race!


Instead of just going through the motions of setting New’s Years Resolutions, I want to help you set yourself up to actually reach your goals at the end of 2017.


For that reason, I’m inviting you to join the Evolution of the Resolution Challenge.

What is the Evolution of the Resolution Challenge?

The challenge is a FREE 21 day exercise challenge to help women focus on taking daily action, get consistent, and create fit and healthy lifestyles.  


I will be providing the workouts all of which will be 30 minutes or less (including the warm up and cool down).


Each week, I will be giving you a new lifestyle tool to implement pertaining to nutrition, self-care, and fat loss.


I realize that you may want to lose weight.  I totally respect and honor that desire.  I’m going to help you start down that path, but it’s going to be in a way that helps you achieve the results you want in a sustainable manner.


Do you really want to lose 20 pounds by jumping on a “quick fix” diet only to gain it back when the diet ends?  NO WAY!


You want your hard work to create lasting results and you want to create a lifestyle that you can sustain forever.


This challenge is about exactly that.  It’s about setting habits and taking the necessary daily actions….the kind that we can stick to for the long haul!


I created this challenge because I want to help you reach your goals, and I want to help you do it in a manner that is reasonable, attainable, and sustainable.  


We will also develop a sense of community and cheer each other on through Instagram and a private Facebook page just for the challenge participants.


Here’s how it works:

  • I’ll be asking you to complete 15 workouts over 21 days. All of the workouts are 30 minutes or less and can be done at home if you have a pair of moderate weight dumbbells.


  • I’ll ask you to check in me with daily through our closed Facebook page or by checking in on Instagram using the hashtag #EORChallenge (sharing is optional, read more below, but in order to be in the winning for prizes, sharing is part of the deal).


  • If you complete all the workouts and post each day (either in the private FB group or via IG) , you will be entered into a drawing to win 4 weeks of FREE access to my continuity program.


  • The Evolution of the Resolution Challenge begins on Monday, January 2, 2017. You will be receiving the workouts from me via the private FB group. Although the workouts will not be customized to each individual, I will provide modifications for the movements.


  • You will also receive exclusive emails on nutrition and mindset so you have all the tools you need to stay on track and make the most of the workouts.


  • I know it can feel intimidating to post about your workouts on social media but stepping out of your comfort zone will allow you to join an amazing community of women who are cheering each other on and providing accountability for each other. You will be able to search the hashtag and see all the amazing women who are completing the challenge with you. I will be completing the workouts along with you guys so we’ll all be in it together! If you’re not inclined to share, it’s not required, however, it’s strongly recommended.


  • These workouts are tough, but trust me, they are totally doable.


Sign up now and forward this to a friend or family member if you think they would enjoy this challenge or could you some accountability.  You guys can do it together. 
Why not?! It’s FREE!!

After you sign up, you should receive an email from me within the next few minutes.  If you don’t, please check your spam folder, and if it’s still not there, send me an email and I’ll add you manually.


The challenge begins Monday, January 2, 2017.  Watch your inbox for more info and if you have any questions, you can always email me.


Hi I’m Chrissy!

After years of struggling with my own diet and weight, my passion is helping women realize that fat loss and weight management doesn’t have to be cumbersome and restrictive.  You don’t need to spend hours in the gym, and you don’t need to ban any foods from your diet. 


You can create a sustainable lifestyle that you genuinely enjoy.

I want to help women understand that even if you have a busy schedule and a ton on your plate, you can still get in amazing shape and achieve your goals.

I cannot wait to work with you in the Evolution of the Revolution Challenge where I’ve gathered all the top tools and strategies that I’ve used to help hundreds of women over the last couple of years get healthier, stronger, and leaner.






Hi, I'm Chrissy King!

Writer, Speaker, Fitness and Strength Coach, and Creator of The Body Liberation Project™.