Introducing Chrissy King's New Book:
The Body Liberation Project
How Understanding Racism and Diet Culture Helps Cultivate Joy and Build Collective Freedom
From author and Instagram personality Chrissy King, an exciting, genre-redefining narrative mix of memoir, inspiration, and specific exercises and prompts, weaving in urgent, timely messages about social and racial justice and how they intersect with the fitness and wellness community.
Fitness, wellness, and body-positivity influencer and coach Chrissy King makes the case that real self-care is rooted in self-love in The Body Liberation Project, unpacking how social and racial justice intersect with the fitness, diet, and wellness industry.
— Publishers Weekly
— Layla F. Saad, New York Times bestselling author of Me and White Supremacy
Chrissy King is here to remind us (gently, lovingly!) that diet culture is rooted in white supremacy and that the key to freedom is not “body positivity” but “body liberation.” Her perspective…is a breath of fresh air.
— Romper
— Jen Pastiloff, bestselling author of On Being Human
A fervent message about self-worth.
— Kirkus
A genre-redefining narrative that mixes memoir and inspiration with messages about social and racial justice.
— Essence
— Ebony
As Featured In

Hey there, I’m Chrissy King. I’m a writer, speaker, former fitness and strength coach, and a powerlifter with a passion for intersectional feminism and creating a diverse and inclusive fitness industry.
I spent the majority of my twenties focused on shrinking — my body, my voice, and my entire life in general. I obsessed about my weight and truly believed that my happiness lied on the other side of fat loss. Strength training, powerlifting specifically, was one of the things that changed changed this narrative for me.
I’m on a mission to help people STOP shrinking, START taking up space and use your energy to create your specific magic in the world.
I just want to thank you for an incredible eye-opening, educational and empowering course. I attended today’s webinar and I am feeling so much gratitude and deep admiration for you. You are doing work that is actually bending history in the right direction and educating all of us along the way. There are no words that make justice to how helpful your course was for me. So I will stop here and say, THANK YOU! – Leticia
Read Chrissy’s latest blogs ranging in topics from body liberation, anti diet culture, wellness, and the intersections of social justice and fitness.
Work with Chrissy in a DIY capacity to get strong in the gym and dismantle racism and create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable wellness industry.
Interested in hiring Chrissy for your next event or project? Book Chrissy for consultations, speaking engagements, and writing projects.
Chrissy's Latest Work

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